Spread the word about today to make a difference. The more people that know the issue, the better our chance of overcoming this threat to the national power grid. Our main initiative is to engage in a “Citizen Action Plan,” and we’ve chosen to keep the documentary free of charge, so long as patriots like yourself “Donate”; and share it with your friends. You may be wondering, how does this “Donate” thing work? Well, it’s as easy as scanning the QR code at the end of the movie. When you donate to the cause, you’re providing and protecting access to powerful knowledge for people who may not have the opportunity to view it yet.
Join the movement to protect our grid

Contact the Right People
We’ve invested valuable time and resources to create simple tools and templates for citizens like you. Begin by clicking the links below! It’s fast and easy; just fill in a few fields on our templates to reach the people, entities, and organizations who can remedy this critical issue. Once you discover the gravity we face as Americans with the potential of living in a world without power, you’ll know what to do. “In a power outage, the first step is admitting you are powerless.” However, we don’t like that notion, so we’ve created this platform to put the power back in your capable hands.

“GDPU” has inspired the formation of “The Energy Security Council,” a grassroots effort to secure our U.S. power grid. Engaged individuals like yourself are encouraged to become members so we don’t find ourselves in the dawn of a new dark age.