Electromagnetic Defense Task Force Recommendations Checklist
Recommendations Checklist
☐ Establish information sharing within the government, industry, and academia
☐ Create a national repository to track infrastructure resiliency initiatives to help minimize duplication of efforts and enhance benchmarking of successful projects
- ☐ Garner public support through public outreach and media campaigns
- ☐ Develop a nationwide plan with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), US Northern Command (USNORTHCOM), and US Strategic Command, and include local communities
- ☐ Ensure electric power grid and supervisory control and data acquisition is not dependent on 5G
- ☐ Build a community of experts
- ☐ Invest in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)
- ☐ IncentivizeSTEMgraduatesandengineeringdisciplinestoresearch, the mechanics of EMS hardening
- ☐ Developacohesivestrategicplaninvolvingnationalandlocalgovernments
- ☐ Involve the Federal Emergency Management Agency and establish geomagnetic disturbance (GMD) / electromagnetic pulse (EMP) as a natural disaster
- ☐ Ensure5G’srecoverystepsareincludedas5Gbecomesmoreprevalent
- ☐ Harden and utilize cells-on-wheels
- ☐ Partner with American Radio and Relay League and Military Auxiliary Radio System to integrate ham radio into the national emergency and redundant communications strategy
- ☐ Incentivize the industry to implement shielding standards and protect equipment
- ☐ Research implementation of EMP-Star rating
- ☐ Set standards for tiered rating
- ☐ Award cities for EMP resiliency
- ☐ Increase the pace and reduce the cost of 5G development by allocating mid-band spectrum (sub 6Ghz) for mobile assets
- ☐ Ensure supply chain integrity of 5G equipment for security
- ☐ Educate students and military on vulnerabilities of 5G and potential threats
- ☐ Ensure 5G networks are resilient, redundant, and resistant to GMD/ EMP
- ☐ Recognize the electromagnetic spectrum (EMS) as a domain and in- corporate EMS into the doctrine
- ☐ Create a culture of EMS awareness
- ☐ Translate/publish/understand adversary doctrine
- ☐ Develop a golden hour response plan for EMP recovery
- ☐ Educate military members on EMS utilization and vulnerabilities beginning with initial military training and continuing through career
☐ Incorporate EMS training into LeMay Wing and Group Command- er’s course
- ☐ Train and exercise in an EMS-degraded environment
- ☐ Incorporate GMD/EMP into community and base exercises
- ☐ Stand up EMS attack “Red Team.”
- ☐ Develop cognitive electronic warfare and artificial intelligence to deliver mass alerts from GMD/EMP
- ☐ Develop software-defined/reconfigurable radios and laser-based communications
- ☐ Research UAV or balloon-based repeaters for radio communication
- ☐ Invest in pre-positioned shielded assets, including generators, fuel, and communications equipment, which are placed throughout the nation and in allied countries
- ☐ Streamline the acquisition process for EMP-shielded equipment to al- low quicker development and unit testing
- ☐ Develop tax incentives for implementing EMP-hardening standards
- ☐ Develop micro-grids that are hardened for EMP and cyber for critical facilities and then branch out to all military bases
- ☐ Evaluate ways to detect and prevent threats across 5G networks 92
- ☐ Institutionalize EMS awareness in leadership positions
- ☐ Partner with universities to develop “whole of society” EMS education programs and strategies
- ☐ Strategically message that the US is prepared for an EMP attack and will regard it as a crime against humanity
- ☐ Develop leadership roles for specific situations; for example, DHS will lead a recovery after GMD, while USNORTHCOM will lead recovery and retaliation after EMP
- ☐ Manage the workforce to find and retain experts in EMS operations and maintain corporate knowledge
- ☐ Ensure EMP shielding is implemented in new military construction as the cost is much lower